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[PF] Dragpocalypse: A Dragonrider’s Unofficial Pathfinder Campaign Setting

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    Species: Guardian dragon, Mithral dragon, Star drake, Elder Wyrm, Scitalis, Taniniver, Vishap

    Immigrants are more common in Kels than any other region of Sine due to the solitary nature of the Ice linnorms that rule its wastes. Guardian and Mithral dragons, Elder Wyrms, Taninivers, and Vishaps are more than a match for the Ices in solo combat. Star drakes and Scitalises, however, don’t stand a chance and, if discovered, are promptly consumed.

    In Ondaga, Spine dragons alone would be unable to hunt the many of the mighty roaming immigrant dragons, but they have multiple forces at their command: besides their own rank and number, their loyal rampages of Spire drakes and the unchecked savagery of the Wyverns. These combined threats can take down even the likes of a Guardian dragon given enough time. As such, immigrants who enter Ondaga are eliminated sooner rather than later.

    In Samian, immigrants are not eliminated so much as they are worn down by constant onslaughts by Rift and Lava drakes, and any chance rampage of Spire drakes or flight of Wyverns. Copper dragons, meanwhile, may take the opportunity to keep an immigrant dragon to themselves not to save their lives but to entrap them as a permanent, intelligent audience, even if they must fight said immigrant to do so. When an immigrant does manage to secure a territory, it is mostly likely from having bested their Copper dragon abductor.

    Dragonriders in Sine
    Riders are unheard of in Kels and Samian primarily due to the fact that humanoids are equally as unheard of. In Ondaga, no Spine dragon would ever bond with one of their humanoid cultists nor allow a humanoid to bond with any other of their subjects in order to maintain the balance of power. Thus, the much-hated immigrant dragons are more likely than any other draconic species to bond with a humanoid in Ondaga.
    Last edited by Isada; 11-15-2017, 03:59 PM.


      Part 11: Stratus in the Sky

      Places of Interest: Floating Carnival (Stratus)

      Species: Guardian dragon, Mithral dragon, Elder Wyrm, Star drake

      Stratus is an island continent that drifts through the skies of Colossus without ever touching down onto land or sea. Legend has it that Stratus came to be when the primordial god of dragons bound cloudmass in the heavens into a permanent shape. Although this god has been all but forgotten since before the onset of Dragpocalypse, life on the cloudmass has flourished, both flora and fauna. Plants unlike any seen on the continent proper growing on Stratus, their roots drawing water from the heart of the eternal cloud and their leaves absorbing the powerful sunrays within the upper limits of the troposphere.

      Guardian dragons each control a territory full of architecture dedicated to the lost creator god of Stratus. Most of the buildings stand in ruins, but a rare few remain intact and these are guarded religiously. The solitary Guardians only stray from their territory if absolutely necessary, at times consuming only plant matter to sustain themselves to avoid hunting offsite.

      Elder Wyrms are the sleeping nightmare of the denizens of Stratus. Though centuries can pass before one rouses from slumber, each period of Elder Wyrm Wakening rains a brief but near-apocalyptic tyranny of terror upon the denizens. None are truly safe from the hunting Elder Wyrms, and even the Guardians struggle to protect their territory from their ruthless, wanton onslaught of centuries of built-up hunger.

      Mithral dragons are the only consistent governing force in Stratus. While they don’t impose their wills on the sentient denizens of the island, they do negotiate boundary disputes and the like to keep the peace and delicate ecological balance between the species. Even Stratus’s humanoids feel comfortable coming to the Mithrals as the designated arbiters.
      Star drakes live in cluster upon cluster in their own metropolis at the southern tip of the island. Clusters are constantly coming and going from the settlement to the continents down below. The Stars keep records and travel logs of their journeys here. They have amiable relations with the Mithrals and humanoids on Stratus, but keep mostly to themselves and do not allow other species to settle in their metropolis.

      Humanoids in Stratus are able to live as tribes in settlements as large as villages, but the delicate ecological balance on the cloudmass prevents them from expanding and even living too close to another tribe.

      The tribes tend to support themselves through subsistence farming with additional hunting and gathering. Tribes are able to trade with each other, but the prevalence of contagious disease, especially between tribe animals, has discouraged such trade.

      Although the settlements are far from each other, there are the occasional territorial disputes. When they arise, the Mithral dragons intervene to prevent war and settle the disputes as quickly as possible.

      Dragonriders in Stratus
      Most Riders in Stratus have bonded with Mithral dragons. Not only are the Mithrals the least hostile dragons, but with their regular intervention in the lives of humanoids, the humanoids have much more contact with Mitrals than other dragons.

      Humanoids who develop an interest in the Mithrals can sometimes persuade the Mithrals to allow them to live with the dragons for a time. If they find favor with a dragon, the dragon will bond with them, but this does mean that the humanoid must forsake their life with their tribe forever.
      Last edited by Isada; 11-16-2017, 03:55 PM.


        Part 12: Zenith the Mountain
        Places of Interest: Thunderice Mountain (Helkon), Blackcap (Oredis), Volcanic Canyon (Piton)

        Native species: White dragon, Imperial Sovereign dragon, Frost drake, Ice drake, Tor linnorm, Ice linnorm

        The towering, volcanic mountain range that fills the entirety of Zenith begins in the frigid north, the region of Helkon. The rain from the eastern, mountainous coast can’t make it over the outermost mountains, but the height of the mountains in the center and on the west coast are covered in snow.

        The peace and beauty Helkon’s snow white mountainscape is constantly challenged and broken by the unceasing war between the Imperial Sovereign dragons and the Tor linnorms. The conflict, which began around the time of Dragpocalypse’s own onset, has wrecked absolute devastation on the denizens of Helkon and the ecosystems on which they depend, driving many species into extinction, including Helkon’s humanoids.

        This conflict over territory and, ultimately, supremacy, has split the other dragonkind in Helkon down the genetic line. The Ice linnorms have aligned themselves with the Tors while the White dragons and the Frost drakes under their influence have aligned with the Imperial Sovereigns. These alliances are not so much of choice as they are necessities of survival and a declaration of negative preference--the Ices would rather fight with the linnorms rather than with the dragons and vice versa for the dragons and drakes.

        The one interesting outcome of this war is the sharing territory between allies. Rather than drawing strict territorial boundaries for each species, the linnorms hunt on a general linnorm territory while the dragons and drakes hunt on their own general territory.

        Native species: Silver dragon, Imperial Sovereign dragon, Amphiptere, Flame drake

        The central mountainous region of Zenith, Oredis, exists in a temperate zone with torrential rains along the precipitous coastline and a dry west. The mountains of Oredis aren’t as tall as those of Helkon in the north but are much more volcanically active, resulting in almost eternal dark skies and black snows of water and ash.

        Much like Helkon, the black-snowed peaks of Oredis are a war-torn battlescape between the Silver dragons and the Imperial Sovereign dragons. With the onset of Dragpocalypse, the Silvers quickly attempted to establish some semblance of order and protection for the weaker species, but the Imperial Sovereigns strained against the Silvers’s authoritarian methods, and territorial conflicts soon escalated to all-out war.

        This war has lasted ever since and has only become more devastating with time. Unlike their neighbor to the north, though many species have been brought to extinction by the war, the lower altitude, rich soils, and less severe climate of Oredis has allowed humanoid species to hang on by a thread, though they have no true settlement of their own.

        Humanoids have become tactical pawns in the war between the Silvers and Imperial Sovereigns, used as Riders to rapidly empower dragons on either side whether the humanoids like it or not in many cases. For the Silvers, it’s simply a matter of the greater good--they firmly believe that should the Imperial Sovereigns win, humanoids will be wiped out from Oredis. In the case of the Imperial Sovereigns, humanoids are kidnapped, brainwashed and bred to be living tools and weapons to their draconic masters.

        Amphipteres and Flame drakes have been turned to scavengers by the war, descending on battlefields after the fact and living off the carnage. They present no real threat to either of Oredis’s superpowers and are all too happy to be ignored.

        Native species: Red dragon, Imperial Sky dragon, Imperial Sovereign dragon, Lava drake, Rift drake

        The sun bakes the canyons of the southern mountains in Piton, but as one ascends, the temperature cools enough to maintain permanent snows on the mountain tops. While the mountains of Piton are volcanic, rather than erupt, heat and pressure are released through the river-sized lava flows at the base of Piton’s canyons.

        Due to an alliance between the Imperial Sky dragons and the Imperial Sovereign dragons, the Red dragons have been relegated to one small corner of the region. While the alliance has broken down with the Imperial Skys and the Imperial Sovereigns leaving each other to their own devices, both still rise up to aid each other whenever the Reds strain against the boundaries of their territory.

        The Imperial Skys are the benevolent overlords of Piton, keeping a distant but watchful eye over the denizens. They ensure that all the draconic species keep to their own territories, a measure reinforced by the Imperial Sovereigns on the land. The Imperial Sovereigns, however, do so not out of care for all such species, but out of care for their own territory.

        The Flame drakes and Rift drakes of Piton have no choice but to abide by the territorial boundaries set and protected by the Imperial Skys and the Imperial Sovereigns. The division of boundaries tends to keep humanoids away from the drakes, but those who trespass in the lands of the drakes are beyond any protection.

        While the volcanic soils are rich, the mountains are impassable for humanoids, effectively trapping them in the village into which they are born. The villagers generally practice communal subsistence farming, supplemented by hunting and gathering limited by the territorial bounds of their community. Very few humanoids willingly outstep their bounds unless it is by accident. The worst punishment a villager might receive is banishment outside the safety of the community.
        Last edited by Isada; 11-28-2017, 03:47 PM.



          Species: Guardian dragon, Mithral dragon, elder Wyrm, Scitalis, Star drake, Taniniver, Vishap

          Helkon and Oredis are both too hostile to immigrants to keep them around for too long. Even native enemies will temporarily unite to keep immigrants from moving into the territory. While some of the immigrant draconic species are extremely powerful, they can stand against the combined might of the other dragons.

          The Imperial Skys and Imperial Sovereigns of Piton are, comparatively, much more accommodating to immigrant dragons, to all but the Taninivers. Taninivers find themselves attacked not to be driven off but to be killed by any draconic species they encounter in Piton.

          The Imperial Skys and Imperial Sovereigns allow the other immigrant draconic species into Piton so long as those dragons accept the territory given them by the Imperial Skys and Imperial Sovereigns and do not enter territorial warfare with their draconic neighbors. Doing so brings down the wrath of both the Imperial Skys and Imperial Sovereigns as well as the dragon kind nieghbor.

          Dragonriders in Zenith
          With humanoids driven to extinction in Helkon and Oredis, Piton is the only region of Zenith in which there are Riders. Although Riders are not common, occasionally, a humanoid settlement will pique the interest of an Imperial Sky or an Imperial Sovereign and establish rudimentary relations between the dragon and the villagers.

          Those who become Riders leave their life in the village behind for the most part in order to keep company with the patrolling dragon.
          Last edited by Isada; 12-12-2017, 04:46 AM.


            Part 13: Dragons in Space
            Places of Interest: Solcano (Solaris), Sea of Dust and Bowl (Lunarium)

            Native species: Solar dragon

            Solaris is the single sun of planet Colossus’s solar system. It is just powerful and distant enough to maintain the balance that keeps Colossus’s ecosystem from rapidly devolving to food for worms.

            Solar dragons are the sole dragonkind inhabiting Solaris, which is all the better for other dragons. Though lawful, they consider themselves the supreme rulers of the entire solar system and have constructed a rigid hierarchy for themselves on Solaris.

            At the height of the Solar hierarchy are the Judges, the Great Wyrms. They are revered like gods by the younger generations and while they rarely rise from their slumber at the center of the sun itself, the Solars may call upon their council for the final word on an important matter.

            The Wyrms rule the territories into which they’ve divided Solaris with one Wyrm per territory. Only when the ruling Wyrm becomes a god incarnate as a Great Wyrm will a successor be chosen from the Ancient Solars. The other Ancients will be dismissed from the territory to find their own or to journey into space to find a new sun to inhabit or planet in need of a god.

            Native species: Lunar dragon, Time dragon, Void dragon, Vortex dragon

            Lunarium is a small moon of gray rock and no atmosphere. Its gravity is far weaker than Colossus’s and its temperatures far more extreme. Its barren stone surface has been pitted and cratered by asteroid and other collisions.

            Time dragons serve as the keepers of Lunarium society, preventing the Void dragons from warring with the other dragon species, most of whom, apart from the Times, use Lunarium as a base and way station for their interstellar journeys. The Times are always watching as they drift across the black skies of the moon like keen-eyed clouds. When they spot a disturbance, only then will they descend to ensure that no threat has been made against the natural order which they protect.

            Void dragons typically struggle with their need to feed and destroy and thus only come to the Times-protected Lunarium in order to heal or rest without disturbance. They tend to stay no longer than absolutely necessary.

            Lunar dragons are much the opposite of the Voids. They permanently reside on the moon where they have an unimpeded view of the mortals on Colossus. They find the greatest entertainment in watching these mortals and discussing their findings with other Lunars. Many of them place bets on outcomes of war and other activities, but they never directly interfere.

            Vortex dragons have the most hustling and bustling of the territories on Lunarium. They are always coming and going on voyages through space, and many even serve as messengers for other entities in the great beyond. With their busy schedules, they have time for neither war nor interference with the affairs of others.

            Immigrants and Dragonriders
            While there are rumors of other dragon species and even humanoids, much less Riders, in the vacuum of space, there have been none officially documented as of the writing of this unofficial guide to Dragpocalypse.
            Last edited by Isada; 12-17-2017, 03:54 PM.


              Part 14: Places of Interest, Specific

              Glass Castle of the Linnorm King (Taiga): The Linnorm King sleeps at the heart of his Glass Castle, a city-sized glacier that formed through snows up snows over a particular evergreen glade gradually crystallized to ice under the pressure of the new layers. The Glass Castle grows a few inches every year, promising to reach mountainous height. It is rumored that the vast wealth of the Linnorm King lies deep within the frozen walls of the Glass Castle, but some say that the true treasure are the prehistoric evergreens within, perfectly preserved with unknown properties abounding in their resin.

              Court of the Green (Hylos): The Court of the Green is the secret capital of the society of Green dragons who rule over Hylos. While none know the exact location of the Court, it is said to be hidden deep within the heart of Hylos, safeguarded and concealed by powerful magicks. If rumors be true, then one may find the Court by following the flight of a Green who carries another dragon or dragonkind with them, a political prisoner and potential victim of torture or brainwashing.

              Village in the Mist (Akela): The Village in the Mist in the deep jungles of Akela shrouded in mist from dawn until dusk. It was a peaceful village until recently. Herd animals have been disappearing, and the villagers suspect a Kongamato is to blame. The village is too weak to mount a search and destroy party and should they lose more of their herd animals, they may be forced to abandon their village to hide from the insatiable predator.

              Village of Ash (Cardoon): A spine forest of acacias surround the Village of Ash, a village in the thrall of a Lava drake ‘god.’ The village is divided by its faith to the Lava, the true and zealous cult believers and those who secretly pay the drake no more homage than any of the other drakes who roam the hostile, blistering forests of Cardoon. A rebel movement has quietly gathered villagers, but they may be discovered at any moment. This peril and a lack of true might prevents them from striking at the Lava. For now, they await the opportune moment.

              Rime Strait (Rime): Rime’s Rime Strait is the largest arctic crossing in the Sea of Colossus. The narrow passage stretches as far as the eye can see between bodies of ice to rival islands and full of drifting glaciers both seen and unseen. Only adding to the peril are the Gare linnorms that lurk within its icy depths. Their presence has long deterred any exploration into the historical goldmine of sunken submarines at the bottom of the strait.

              Sunken Temple (Wegs): Overgrown and concealed by one of Wegs’s plentiful forests of kelp sleep the ruins of a once grand and palatial temple that fell to the sea floor when the coasts of its continent crumbled. Its long forgotten idols and altars now host the growth of seaweeds and the animals that nest therein. Gowrows, hundreds of the reptilian beings, have settled in the halls and chambers, using the kelp-choked temple as a base, dragging their prey and spoils of war within its stone and seaweed walls to consume in safety.

              Raving Reef (Teresthai): The Raving Reef in the warm, tropical waters of Teresthai is a massive rainbow of corals home to hundreds of thousands of different species of aquatic life, including exceedingly rare fish, sea urchins, and corals--a truly rich hunting ground as dangerous as it is diverse. It’s held and patrolled by Coral drakes, Gilded sea serpents, and Mist dragons, sometimes at the same time. As the reef is such a rich, colorful hunting ground, both the Gildeds and Mist dragons have it in their rotation of respective territories. While the two groups try to avoid each other, there are times when both circle through the Raving Reef. Unbeknownst to them, the Coral drakes have stealthily infiltrated the reef, only coming out into the light when neither of the two are present. While hiding, their hunger is left to grow for weeks, leading to an explosive re-entry and churning waters for days.

              Wandering Isles (Sea of Colossus): There are rumors of a group of islands within the Sea of Colossus that appear and disappear throughout the year, rising and sinking into the dark waves of the open ocean. The fives, six, or perhaps seven islands are always spotted together, each containing a forested environ somehow capable of withstanding months below the surface of the water. No one knows why exactly these islands rise, sink, and change position around the globe, but those who’ve claimed to see the Wandering Isles also claim that each isle is home to a single constructed and completed piece of architecture--a tower, a temple, a bridge, and more. No one, however, has made landfall upon an isle and returned to tell the tale.

              Maw of Colossus (Benthos): In the depths of Benthos sits a jagged trench that gouges the sea floor to bring forth an underwater river of fiery lava venting from the center of Colossus. Snaking miles of hot, thermal gases thicken the already pressurized waters with their noxious plumes. Not even the Deep Hunter sea serpents can bear this hostile environment, but every now and then the waters darken with the shadow of the great and monstrous terror that can withstand these trials to call this foul place home.

              Natural History Museum (Tundar): Hundreds of feet below the sterile, frozen wastes of Tundar is rumored to be the ruins of an ancient humanoid kingdom encapsulated in ice and time. Back when the world was young and the temperature hot, Tundar was a thriving grasslands home to plentiful lifeforms and expanding kingdoms. One such kingdom was supposedly incredibly advanced for its time, blessed perhaps by the gods or other extraterrestrial beings. Then came the snows of the Ice Age that fell without ceasing. They collapsed every last ecosystem in Tundar but perhaps preserved one in icen crystal.

              Badfield (Vanta): The temperate waste of Badfield is a stretch of scrubgrass badlands that separate the humanoids who live in dugouts on either end. Amphipteres roll, rollick, and rut throughout the hostile stretch, though are just as often found cannibalizing each other. In short, they stand, literally, between the last hope of the two families to extend their family lines. Both families are doomed to die out without escorts across Badfield and leave the badlands all the more barren for it.

              Maze of Dune (Asharu): Deep within the orange-gold sands of Asharu lies a stone canyon carved by centuries of sandstorms. The sand has abraded through the patches of softer stone in the amalgamation, creating holes and tunnels through the striated stone plateau. Blue dragons have claimed the wind-carved canyon and use it for sport. They release captured prey into the canyon where they allow their young to hunt and often gamble on the result.

              Will-O-Bog (Bogach): Will-o-Bog is a bastion of natural beauty amongst the cold and merciless marshes of Bogach, though it is no less cold and merciless. The murky waters of Will-o-Bog trap and release the heat and natural gases of the organic matter that decays in their depths. The combination of the two creates colorful will-o-wisps throughout the marsh that often lure unwary creatures into its watery perils. Those that sink below the surface may notice the ancient menhir rings, remnants of power from the druids that once claimed these lands, not that these observations will prevent the sinker’s untimely death.

              Bridge of Reeds (Mariskaz): The Bridge of Reeds in the perilous, sinking wetlands of Mariskaz is not a bridge at all but the narrow route of safe passage from one side of Blackweed Swamp to the other. The route is known only to the elders of the Blackweed Tribe who have hoarded this knowledge for generations to keep any from daring to cross and drawing insatiably hungry Peludas back to their hidden village. Although none know for sure why any would want to cross the Bridge of Weeds in the first place, the far side of the swamp is supposedly the garden of a rare herb root of priceless worth to witches, alchemists, and other brewers of potions.

              Village in the Shadow (Meithleorai): The largest settlement in Meithleorai is the Village in the Shadow at the border of a wide, grassy plain stretching as far as the eye can see and a salt flat of even greater expanse that reflects the sun back on itself during the day. Unfortunately for the village, its growing population and bustling activities have drawn the attention of the Psiwyrms who soar overhead. The village council has grown to fear an impending attack by their overlords. Though they have a plan to secret away citizens to other villages through underground tunnels, they have no means of implementing it in time without outside aid.

              Crown of Salt (Zabana): In a salt flat hundreds of miles from the closest safety of the golden-green grass savannah, salt rises in a ring of seven towering pillars. The top of each pillar has become a nest for the seven strongest Salt drakes in the flat. Here they raise their young and hoard what treasures they’ve found in the salt-crusted ruins of long-fallen civilizations.

              Melting Eye (Nome): The Melting Eye is the outermost ring of destruction around Nome’s gradually expanding Plague District, home of its population of Taninivers. When the surrounding Scitalises, Guardian dragons, and Vishaps push back against the incursions of Taninivers, they invariably destroy the ancient, remnant structures of the city that once spread over the entire continent of Nome. The Melting Eye has been cursed and warped by the desperate magicks of the dragons. The very air burns one’s lungs yet still remains ineffective against the Taniniver’s plague. Simply entering the Melting Eye has proven a death sentence for lesser dragons.

              Coastland Falls (Strant): Hidden away at the center of the sunken coastlands of Strant is a massive, oceanic waterfall that cascades from all sides into the darkness of a gaping chasm without any end in sight. Coastland Falls can only be seen by those looking down from on high. While many dragons have roosted in the chasm under the cover of the falling seas, none who have ventured down to the bottom of the falls and have ever returned.

              Bluemoon Lagoon (Bakiz): The Sea drakes who rule the shallows of Bakiz have claimed the largest, clearest, and bluest lagoon as their own. Bluemoon takes its name from its crescent moon shape and the glittering blue of its pristine waters. It is here where they keep court, a coming and going of Sea drakes who pass along the latest gossip from across the region and continent.

              Elysian Fields (Root): Deep beneath the surface of Colossus, there is a land of bluest skies and greenest fields where humanoids live in a simple, agrarian, and utopian society known as Elysian Fields. All of this, of course, is an illusion created by one of the Prism dragons in the second layer of Root. Unbeknownst to the denizens of Elysian Fields, they are not a first iteration. Their lives are a part of a grand experiment about the humanoid psyche when those in perfect safety and harmony become victims of sudden tragedy.

              Cave of the Sleepers (Kels): With the depletion of the humanoid kind and their undead brethern, a group of undead-eating Cairn linnorms burrowed a lair into the side of one of Sine’s deepest and iciest crevasses. There they wait in slumber atop the many treasures their now-extinct prey once held. They’ve accumulated such a vast hold of magickal artifacts that their hoard has rerouted the surrounding ley lines, much to the interest of the Vishaps in the glacial hills above.

              Village on the Hill (Ondaga): The Village on the Hill is but one of the many villages forced into the cultdom worship of Spine dragons. The humanoid villagers here are especially zealous, due to the Spines overt favor at the expense of the Spire drakes who must also serve and worship the Spines. This has given rise to no little resentment among of the Spires and has even led some to thoughts of rebellion.

              Spire Hill (Samian): Spire Hill is one of the many Spire drake reserves suffering from severe overcrowding. Successive booms in Spire births have strained resources to the breaking point. There have been rumors of the most desperate of the Spires resorting to cannibalism of the sick and the weak and even fatal hunting forays into Wyvern territory.

              Floating Carnival (Stratus): The Floating Carnival was once a carnival on the surface of Colossus, a technological marvel by all accounts, and such a spectacle that it is said that the lost creator god of Stratus themself scooped the carnival up from the earth so that its presence might grace their floating continent. A Guardian dragon was assigned to the now Floating Carnival to protect it and keep its every function in tip top shape.

              Thunderice Mountain (Helkon): Thunderice Mountain is not the tallest mountain in Helkon, but it is unique in that it is beneath a perpetual thunderstorm. It is always thundering, and if it isn’t snowing, it is raining, sleeting, or hailing. The brutal, inhospital weather, however, has made it one of the few places that neither the Tor linnorms nor the Imperial Sovereigns have interest in, and has thus become a secret haven for the refugees of their warring.

              Blackcap (Oredis): Blackcap is the highest mountain amongst the snow and ash covered peaks in Oredis. The eastern half of the mountain belongs to the Silver dragons while the western half belongs to the Imperial Sovereigns. Its peak is actually too high to permit conventional, aerial dragon fighting, which has led to the peak becoming a war campsite, a place of planning, rest, and recovery, on both separated sides.

              Volcanic Canyon (Piton): Piton’s Volcanic Canyon is the deepest, widest, and grandest of all the canyons in the land. A river of lava runs down at its base and volcanic gases billow up from the cracks in the earth. While deadly to humanoids, the concoction of chemicals has given rise to a wealth of diverse bacteria and plant life, among other extremophiles which can’t be found anywhere else on Colossus.

              Solcano (Solaris): Solcano is a constant and massive solar flare that burns miles up from the surface of Solaris and is visible by those outer dragons and other beings flying just above the star itself. It is famed as the spot where the Great Wyrm Judges like to hold court during their legendary gatherings.

              Sea of Dust and Bowl (Lunarium): The Sea of Dust and Bowl is the largest crater on Lunarium. It is so vast that it creates a distinct, ocean-sized region on its sector of the moon. The gray dusts here are constantly storming and have created an ever-shifting desert of gray dunes. Things and even beings lost here are unlikely ever to be found.

